1. ………….. may be included in other folder
while making hierarchical structure folder.
Mini folder (B) Tiered
Sub-folder (D) Object
Answer: C
2. Which is the most important item in a
client-server network?
client (B) hub
switch (D) server
Answer: D
3. '.INI' extension refers to:
Image file (B) System file
Movie file (D) Word file
Answer: B
4. Select the odd term out?
Windows (B) Linux
Unix (D) Internet
Answer: D
5. What is the full form of WWW in
Internet ?
World Wide Web (B) World Wide Word
World Wide Wood (D) None of these
Answer: A
6. Which Command is used to reboot the
computer ?
Ctrl+Shift+Del (B) Ctrl+Del+End
Ctrl+Alt+Del (D) Both (A) and
Answer: C
7. The blinking symbol on the computer
Mouse (B) Cursor
Character (D) Blinker
Answer: B
8. Father of the computer
Charles Babbage (B) Vint Cerf
Bob Khan (D) David Filo
Answer: A
9. Inventer of Email system ?
Alan Turing (B) Zuckerburg
Vint Cerf (D) Ray Tomilson
Answer: D
10. ROM Stands for
Range Of Motion (B) Read On Memory
Read Only Memory (D) None of
Answer: C