UGC NET/JRF Computer Science Paper III June 2013 Solved Mcqs - Part 4

31.       Images tend to be very large collection of data. The size of memory required for a 1024 by 1024 image in which the colour of each pixel is represented by a n-bit number, (in an 8 bit machines) is
(A) n × 8 MB
(B) n / 8 MB
(C) (1024 × 1024) / 8 MB
(D) 1024 MB
Answer: B
32.       Arrays in C language can have ................. with reference to memory representation.
(A) n-subscripts
(B) two-subscripts
(C) only one subscript
(D) three subscripts only
Answer: C
Arrays in C can have only one subscript, but arrays can have arrays as elements, thus supporting multi-dimensional arrays.  This is an example of orthogonality.
33.       Refer the points as listed below:
(a) What are the operator precedence rules?
(b) What are the operator associativity rules?
(c) What is the order of operand evaluation?
(d) Are there restrictions on operand evaluation side effects?
Which of the above must be considered as primary design issues for arithmetic expressions?
(A) (a), (b) and (c)
(B) (a), (c) and (d)
(C) (a), (b) and (d)
(D) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
Answer: D
34.       Horn clauses are special kinds of propositions which can be described as
(A) Single atomic proposition on left side.
(B) Single or multiple atomic proposition on left side.
(C) A single atomic proposition on left side and a single atomic proposition on right 
(D) A single atomic proposition on left side or an empty left side.
Answer: D
A Horn clause is a unique kind of proposition which has either one single proposition on the left hand side or an empty proposition. When a Horn clause does contain a proposition on the left side, it is sometimes referred to as a headed Horn clause.
35.       Which of the following is/are the fundamental semantic model(s) of parameter passing?
(A) in mode
(B) out mode
(C) in-out mode
(D) all of the above
Answer: D
There are three fundamental semantics models of Parameter passing - In-mode, Out-mode and In-out mode.
36.       The grammar with production rules S → aSb |SS|λ generates language L given by:
(A) L = {w{a, b}* | na(w) = nb(w) and na(v) ≥ nb(v) where v is any prefix of w}
(B) L = {w{a, b}* | na(w) = nb(w) and na(v) ≤ nb(v) where v is any prefix of w}
(C) L = {w{a, b}* | na(w) ≠ nb(w) and na(v) ≥ nb(v) where v is any prefix of w}
(D) L = {w{a, b}* | na(w) ≠ nb(w) and na(v) ≤ nb(v) where v is any prefix of w}
Answer: A
37.       A pushdown automation M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0, z, F) is set to be deterministic subject to which of the following condition(s), for every q Q, a Σ {λ} and b Γ
(s1) δ(q, a, b) contains at most one element
(s2) if δ(q, λ, b) is not empty then δ(q, c, b) must be empty for every c Σ
(A) only s1
(B) only s2
(C) both s1 and s2
(D) neither s1 nor s2
Answer: C
38.       For every context free grammar (G) there exists an algorithm that passes any w L(G) in number of steps proportional to
(A) ln|w|
(B) |w|
(C) |w|2
(D) |w|3
Answer: D
39.       Match the following:
List - I
a. Context sensitive language
b. Regular grammar
c. Context free grammar
d. Unrestricted grammar
List - II
i. Deterministic finite automation
ii. Recursive enumerable
iii. Recursive language
iv. Pushdown automation
      a   b    c   d
(A) ii    i    iv   iii
(B) iii   iv   i    ii
(C) iii   i    iv   ii
(D) ii    iv   i   iii
Answer: C
40.    The statements s1 and s2 are given as:
s1: Context sensitive languages are closed under intersection, concatenation, substitution and inverse homomorphism.
s2: Context free languages are closed under complementation, substitution and homomorphism.
Which of the following is correct statement?
(A) Both s1 and s2 are correct.
(B) s1 is correct and s2 is not correct.
(C) s1 is not correct and s2 is correct.
(D) Both s1 and s2 are not correct.
Answer: B

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