CBSE UGC NET Computer Science Paper III Solved January 2017 - Part 6

51.       Match the following for Unix rue system:
List-I                  List-II
a. Boot block     i. Information about file system,
free block list, free inode list etc.
b. Super block ii. Contains operating system files
as well as program and data files
created by users.
c. Inode block   iii. Contains boot program and
partition table.
d. Data block    iv. Contains a table for every file in
the file system. Attributes of files
are stored here.
     a   b  c   d
(1) iii   i   ii   iv
(2) iii   i   iv  ii
(3) iv  iii  ii   i
(4) iv  iii  i    ii
Answer: 2
52.       Some of the criteria for calculation of priority of a process are:
a. Processor utilization by an individual process.
b. Weight assigned to a user or group of users.
c. Processor utilization by a user or group of processes.
In fair share scheduler, priority is calculated based on:
(1) only (a) and (b)
(2) only (a) and (c)
(3) (a), (b) and (c)
(4) only (b) and (c)
Answer: 3
53.       One of the disadvantages of user level threads compared to Kernel level threads is
(1) If a user level thread of a process executes a system call, all threads in that process are blocked.
(2) Scheduling is application dependent.
(3) Thread switching doesn’t require kernel mode privileges.
(4) The library procedures invoked for thread management in user level threads are local procedures.
Answer: 1
54.       Which statement is not correct about “init” process in Unix?
(1) It is generally the parent of the login shell.
(2) It has PID 1.
(3) It is the first process in the system.
(4) Init forks and execs a ‘getty’ process at every port connected to a terminal.
Answer: 3
55.       Consider following two rules R1 and R2 in logical reasoning in Artificial Intelligence (AI):
(1) Only R1 is correct.
(2) Only R2 is correct.
(3) Both R1 and R2 are correct.
(4) Neither R1 nor R2 is correct.
Answer: 4

56.       Consider the following AO graph:
Which is the best node to expand next by AO* algorithm?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) B and C
Answer: 1
57.       In Artificial Intelligence (AI), what is present in the planning graph?
(1) Sequence of levels
(2) Literals
(3) Variables
(4) Heuristic estimates
Answer: 1
58.       What is the best method to go for the game playing problem?
(1) Optimal Search
(2) Random Search
(3) Heuristic Search
(4) Stratified Search
Answer: 3
59.       Which of the following statements is true?
(1) The sentence S is a logical consequence of S1,..., Sn if and only if S1˄S2˄........˄Sn→S is satisfiable.
(2) The sentence S is a logical consequence of S1,..., Sn if and only if S1˄S2˄........˄Sn→S is valid.
(3) The sentence S is a logical consequence of S1,..., Sn if and only if S1˄S2˄........˄Sn˄¬S is consistent.
(4) The sentence S is a logical consequence of S1,..., Sn if and only if S1˄S2˄........˄Sn˄S is inconsistent.
Answer: 2
60.    The first order logic (FOL) statement ((Rá´ Q)˄(Pá´ ¬Q)) is equivalent to which of the following?
(1) ((Rá´ ¬Q)á´§(Pá´ ¬Q)á´§(Rá´ P))
(2) ((Rá´ Q)á´§(Pá´ ¬Q)á´§(Rá´ P))
(3) ((Rá´ Q)á´§(Pá´ ¬Q)á´§(Rá´ ¬P))
(4) ((Rá´ Q)á´§(Pá´ ¬Q)á´§(¬Rá´ P))
Answer: 2

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