UGC NET General Paper I Solved June 2013 - Part 6

51.       P is the father of R and S is the son of Q and T is the brother of P. If R is the sister of S, how is Q related to T?
(A) Wife                         (B) Sister-in-law
(C) Brother-in-law        (D) Daughter-in-law
Answer: B
52.       A definition put forward to resolve a dispute by influencing attitudes or stirring emotions is called
(A) Lexical         (B) Persuasive
(C) Stipulative  (D) Precisions
Answer: B
53.       Which of the codes given below contains only the correct statements?
(i) Venn diagram is a clear method of notation
(ii) Venn diagram is the most direct method of testing the validity of categorical syllogisms
(iii) In Venn diagram method the premises and the conclusion of a categorical syllogism is diagrammed.
(iv) In Venn diagram method the three overlapping circles are drawn for testing a categorical syllogism
(A) (i) (ii) & (iii)              (B) (i) (ii) & (iv)
(C) (ii) (iii) & (iv)            (D) (i) (iii) & (iv)
Answer: B
54.       Inductive reasoning presupposes
(A) unity in human nature                 (B) integrity in human nature
(C) uniformity in human nature        (D) harmony in human nature
Answer: C
Read the table below and based on this table answer questions from 55 to 60:
55.       Which of the following two years have recorded the highest rate of increase in area under the total horticulture?
(A) 2005-06 & 2006-07                       (B) 2006-07 & 2008-09
(C) 2007-08 & 2008-09                       (D) 2006-07 & 2007-08
Answer: D

56.       Shares of the area under flowers, vegetables and fruits in the area under total horticulture are respectively:
(A) 1, 38 and 30 percent         (B) 30, 38 and 1 percent
(C) 38, 30 and l percent          (D) 35, 36 and 2 percent
Answer: A
57.       Which of the following has recorded the highest rate of increase in are during 2005-06 to 2009-10?
(A) Fruits           (B) Vegetables
(C) Flowers       (D) Total horticulture
Answer: C
58.       Find out the horticultural crop that has recorded an increase of area by around 10 percent from 2005-06 to 2009-10
(A) Fruits           (B) Vegetables
(C) Flowers       (D) Total horticulture
Answer: B
59.       What has been the share of area under fruits, vegetables and flowers in the area under total horticulture in 2007- 08?
(A) 53 percent              (B) 68 percent
(C) 79 percent              (D) 100 percent
Answer: B
60.    In which year, area under fruits has recorded the highest rate of increase?
(A) 2006-07       (B) 2007-08
(C) 2008-09      (D) 2009-10
Answer: A

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