41. Given
a binary search trees for a set of n=5 keys with the following probabilities :
The expected optimal cost of the search is
(A) 2.65
(B) 2.70
(C) 2.75
(D) 2.80
Answer: C
42. Given
0-1 knapsack problem and fractional knapsack problem and the following
statements :
S1 : 0-1 knapsack is efficiently solved
using Greedy algorithm.
S2 : Fractional knapsack is efficiently
solved using Dynamic programming.
Which of the following is true?
(A) S1 is correct and S2
is not correct.
(B) Both S1 and S2 are
(C) Both S1 and S2 are
not correct.
(D) S1 is not correct and S2
is correct.
Answer: C
43. Equivalence
class partitioning approach is used to divide the input domain into a set of
equivalence classes, so that if a program works correctly for a value, then it
will work correctly for all the other values in that class. This is used
(A) to partition the program in the form of
(B) to reduce the number of test cases
(C) for designing test cases in white box
(D) all of the above.
Answer: B
44. The
failure intensity for a basic model as a function of failures experienced is given
as λ(μ)-λ0[1 – (μ)/(V0)] where λ0 is the initial failure
intensity at the start of the execution, μ is the average or expected number of
failures at a given point in time, the quantity V0 is the total
number of failures that would occur in infinite time.
Assume that a program will experience 100
failures in infinite time, the initial failure intensity was 10 failures/CPU hr.
Then the decrement of failures intensity per failure will be
(A) 10 per CPU hr.
(B) 0.1 per CPU hr.
(C) –0.1 per CPU hr.
(D) 90 per CPU hr.
Answer: C
45. Improving
processing efficiency or performance or restructuring of software to improve
changeability is known as
(A) Corrective maintenance
(B) Perfective maintenance
(C) Adaptive maintenance
(D) Code maintenance
Answer: B
46. In
...............,modules A and B make use of a common data type, but perhaps perform
different operations on it.
(A) Data coupling
(B) Stamp coupling
(C) Control coupling
(D) Content coupling
Answer: B
47. Consider
the following schemas :
Branch_Schema = (branch_name, assets, city)
Customer_Schema = (cutstomer_name, street,
Deposit_Schema = (branch_name, account_number,
customer_name, balance)
Borrow_Schema = (branch_name, loan_number,
customer_name, amount)
Which of the following tuple relational calculus
finds all customers who have loan amount more than Rs 12,000?
(A) {t(customer_name) | t∈borrow[?] t[amount]>12000}
(B) {t |t(customer_name) | t∈borrow[?] t[amount]>12000}
(C) {t |[?] ∈ borrow (t(customer_name=s(customer_ name))[?]
(D) {t |[?] ∈ borrow (t(customer_name)[?] s[amount] >12000}
Answer: C
48. Match
the following :
(a) Create (i)
The E-R Model
(b) Select (ii)
Relationship Model
(c) Rectangle (iii) DDL
(d) Record (iv)
Codes :
(b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (iv) (i)
(B) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i)
(D) (iii) (iv) (ii)
Answer: A
49. Match
the following :
Codes :
(b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(B) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(C) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i)
Answer: C
50. Sixty
(60) reusable components were available for an application. If only 70% of
these components can be used, rest 30% would have to be developed from scratch.
If average component is 100 LOC and cost of each LOC is Rs 14, what will be the
risk exposure if risk probability is 80%?
(A) Rs 25,200
(B) Rs 20,160
(C) Rs 25,160
(D) Rs 20,400
Answer: B