Maharashtra SET Computer Science Paper III April 2017 - Part 7

Q. Nos. 61 and 62:
Consider the following linear programming problem :
Maximize : Z = 20x1 +10x2
Subject to : x1 + 2x2 ≤ 40
3x1 + x2 ≥ 30
4x1 + 3x2 ≥ 60
x1, x2 ≥ 0
61.       Which of the following is a pair of points in the feasible region?
(A) (4 ,18), (20, 5)
(B) (6 ,12), (10, 0)
(C) (0 ,30), (40, 0)
(D) (0 ,20), (15, 0)
Answer: A
62.       The dual of this problem :
(A) will be a maximization problem with 3 variables and 2 constraints
(B) will not be possible as there are negative coefficients in the constraints and objective function in the standard form.
(C) can not be solved by simplex method because of negative coefficients in the objective function and constraints in the standard form.
(D) will be a minimization problem with 3 variables and 2 constraints.
Answer: D
63.       Consider the following transportation :
The standard Linear Programming formulation of this problem will have :
(A) 6 decision variables and 7 equality constraints
(B) 6 decision variables and 14 inequality constraints
(C) 12 decision variables and 7 equality constraints
(D) 7 decision variables and 7 equality constraints
Answer: C
64.       Consider the following assignment problem :
This problem has 2 optimal solutions. But in both the solutions the following assignment pair(s) are common:
(A) I → M1 and II → M2
(B) II → M2
(C) I → M1 and IV → M4
(D) II → M2 and III→ M3
Answer: B
65.       Consider the following network with origin at O and destination at T.
In this network :
(A) There are two paths from O to T having the shortest length of 16 units.
(B) There is only one path from O to T with the shortest length of 16 units
(C) These are more than 2 paths with the shortest length.
(D) Shortest path cannot be determined as the edges are not directed.
Answer: A

66.       In case of linear separability problem, the classes of pattern with .................. vector can be separated with ................. surface(s)
(A) Single dimension, single decision
(B) Multidimension, single decision
(C) Single dimension, multi-decision
(D) Multidimension, multi-decision
Answer: B
67.       Which of the following statements are true for neural networks?
(i) Functioning of artificial neural networks and biological neurons are similar
(ii) The time required to train a network depends on its size.
(iii) neural networks learn by example
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer: C
68.       In a multilayer perception, the hidden nodes :
(A) do not do any computation and won't assist in producing the output
(B) have '0' as input value
(C) have no direct connection to the input or the output
(D) have no direct connections to any other nodes
Answer: C
69.       Let A’ = {(x1, 0.3),(x2,0.8),(x3,0.1) and B’ = {(y1,0.4),(y2,0.6) be two fuzzy sets defined on the universe of discourse X= {x1,x2,x3} and Y = {y1,y2} respectively. Which of the following is/are fuzzy Cartesian product(s)?
(A) (i)
(B) (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii)
(D) (ii) and (iii)
Answer: D
70.    Let X be a universe discourse, C be a class of subsets of X, and E, F ϵ C, then for the fuzzy measure g : C → R, which of the following is additive?
(A) g(EUF) = g(E) + g(F) for all
E∩F = ɸ
(B) g(EUF) = g(E) + g(F) for all
E∩F ≠ ɸ
(C) g(EUF) = g(E) U g(F) for all
E∩F = ɸ
(D) g(EUF) = g(E) + g(F) for all
E - F = ɸ
Answer: A
71.    In a single processor system, there are four units of each resource A, B and C, which are to be shared by three processes. The current scenario is described by allocation matrix, which gives the number of resources of each type allocated to each process and the request matrix, which gives the number resources requested by each process to complete the execution. Which process will complete first and which will be last?
(A) P1, P2
(B) P0, P2
(C) P1, P0
(D) No processes will complete due to deadlock
Answer: A
72.    The unlink system call is used in UNIX as unlink (Path name)
Which of the following statements are always true?
(1) The file is no more accessible
(2) The call removes inode entry for that file
(3) The call removes directory entry for that file
(4) The call releases blocks allocated to the file
(A) (1), (2) and (3)
(B) (1), (2) and (4)
(C) (3)
(D) (1) and (3)
Answer: C
73.    Which of the following statements are true for variables in shell programming?
(1) Variables are declared before assigning values.
(2) Variables are case sensitive
(3) To extract the contents, the variable name should be preceded by a $.
(4) Clear command can be used to clear the list of variables.
(A) (1), (2) and (3)
(B) (2) and (3)
(C) (2), (3) and (4)
(D) (1), (3) and (4)
Answer: B
74.    The first and last message received by a Window5 procedure in Win32 Window5 programming are :
Answer: D
75.    Which of the following is true for timer massages in Win32 Window5 programming?
(1) Timer messages are not queued but send directly.
(2) Window5 combines multiple WM_TIMER messages.
(3) A busy application is not guaranteed to receive a timer message.
(4) Timer messages are asynchronous.
(A) (1), (2) and (3)
(B) (2) and (3)
(C) (1) and (4)
(D) (1), (2) and (4)
Answer: B

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