Maharashtra SET Computer Science Paper III April 2017 - Part 4

31.       The ................ operator(s) cannot be overloaded.
(A) Binary
(B) Unary
(C) Ternary
(D) None
Answer: C
32.       A friend function to a class X cannot access :
(A) The data members of the derived class of X.
(B) Protected data members and member functions
(C) Private data members and member functions
(D) Public data members and member functions
Answer: A
33.       From the given statements below which is not the characteristic of a constructor?
(A) They can be virtual
(B) They do not have return type
(C) They should be declared in the public section
(D) They cannot be inherited
Answer: A
34.       The global objects are destroyed :
(A) as soon as local objects die
(B) when program terminates
(C) when the control comes out of the block in which they are being used.
(D) when the control comes out of the function in which they are being used.
Answer: B
35.       The visibility modes in access control in a protection derivation will change as follows:
(A) private public and protected become protected
(B) only private becomes protected
(C) only public becomes protected
(D) public and protected becomes protected
Answer: D
36.       In program writing process of software engineering, specific design aspects are considered. The following is one of the important design aspect:
(A) platforms
(B) performance
(C) reliability
(D) input formats
Answer: A
37.       If one sees the characteristics of agile process, one of the following is a major characteristic of agile process:
(A) assumes that requirements will not change
(B) user involvement is only at beginning
(C) documentation is minimal
(D) process complexity is high
Answer: C
38.       From the major steps of requirements engineering, one of the following is important step:
(A) Business flow
(B) Prototyping
(C) User interface
(D) Security
Answer: B
39.       The metric for design structural complexity to include the internal complexity of program module is given by :
HCp = Cip * (fan-in * fan-out)2 Where 'H' represents :
(A) Halstead – Card
(B) Halstead – Kafura
(C) Henry – Kafura
(D) Henry – Selig
Answer: D
40.    In the expression of metrics given in Q. No. 39, which is for structural complexity of program module, the fan-in means :
(A) no. of parameters flow into a program module
(B) no. of information flow into a program module
(C) no. of instructions flow into a program module
(D) no. of attributes flow into a program module
Answer: *

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