NTA UGC NET General Paper I June 2019 (24-06-2019) - Part 2


Read the following comprehension passage carefully and answer Q.11 to Q.15:

Michaelangelo is famous for having successfully interpreted the human body. His great achievement is that of the painting of David whose hands reach out as a sign of human capability and potential. It is assumed that the time he lived was ripe for exchange of knowledge, development in science and matured enough to advance the horizon of investigation in all fields. Renaissance humanism stressed on a serious rethink on the nature of art that focussed on accurate details. In painting and sculpture, artists focussed on not so casual but verifiable and minute details. Michaelangelo’s paintings are no exception to it. In a study published in the journal of the Royal Society of medicine, a group of surgeons are of the opinion that the great master was “afflicted by an illness involving his joints”. They have used his portraits as evidence to argue their view. During his life, he complained of what he felt to be ‘gout’. Later he complained of his sore and stiff hands which the doctors would find to be natural for someone who was engaged in handmade art. The doctors found corroboration of those claims in portraits of the artists that show a hanging left hand with both degenerative and non-degenerative changes. They attribute the pain not just to arthritis, but to the stress of hammering and chiseling and note that though the master was seen hammering days before his death at an old age, he did not write or sign his own letters before his death. In recent times there have been attempts to diagnose famous artists with diseases that were not known during their time. This practice has raised many questions, especially on the issue of ethics in research. It is also inferred from authentic analysis that Michaelangelo persisted in his work until his last days. This theory would emphasize that his artistic subject defied his physical infirmities.

11.         The controversy that the passage above refers to is whether
(1) Michaelangelo worked under duress.
(2) Michaelangelo could contain his physical infirmity by artistic excellence.
(3) Michaelangelo submitted to disease.
(4) Michaelangelo survived different diseases before pursuing art.
Answer: 2
12.         What generalisations do people subscribe to ?
(1) Establishing facts by DNA tests.
(2) Inferring the essence of character from famous people’s handwriting.
(3) Carbon dating of the hair of celebrities to draw conclusion on their physical 
(4) To retroactively diagnose famous artists and public figures of conditions that were
not prevalent during their time.
Answer: 4
13.         Renaissance painting in Europe was sceptical of
(1) The obsessive medieval method of accuracy.
(2) The classical simplicity and lack of control.
(3) The case and decorative excess of earlier art.
(4) Expressionist technique.
Answer: 3
14.         Michaelangelo lived during a time that lets us know that
(1) Human aspirations are limitless and open to new vistas of knowledge.
(2) Cross cultural exchange in ideas is the only way for human progress.
(3) It is progress of science and anatomy that contributes to civilizations exclusively.
(4) Human beings possess language which is the only key to knowledge.
Answer: 1
15.         What actually may be concluded from the above passage?
(1) Physical infirmities do dissuade people with capabilities from excelling.
(2) Excellence in any form triumphs over extraneous factors including physical 
(3) Michaelangelo’s gout and other ailments lessened his efficiency.
(4) The diseases Michaelangelo faced were due to constant hammering.
Answer: 2
16.         A sum of money doubles at compound interest in 6 years. In how many years will it become 16 times?
(1) 16 years               (2) 24 years
(3) 48 years               (4) 96 years
Answer: 2
17.         In a classroom situation, a teacher organises group discussion to help arrive at a solution of a problem. In terms of a model of communication used, it will be called
(1) A transactional model                (2) An interaction model
(3) A horizontal model                    (4) A linear model
Answer: 1
18.         If the proposition ‘Houses are not bricks’ is taken to be False then which of the following propositions can be True?
(a) All houses are bricks                 (b) No house is brick
(c) Some houses are bricks            (d) Some houses are not bricks
Select the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (b) and (c)            (2) (a) and (d)
(3) (b) only                 (4) (c) only
Answer: 4
19.         The proposition ‘No historians are non-mathematician’ is equivalent to which of the following proposition?
(1) All historians are mathematicians.
(2) No historians are mathematicians.
(3) Some historians are mathematicians.
(4) Some historians are not mathematicians.
Answer: 1
20.     If 152 is divided into four parts proportional to 3, 4, 5 and 7, then the smallest part is
(1) 29              (2) 26
(3) 25              (4) 24
Answer: 4

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