UGC NET Computer Science Questions Paper II June 2008 - Part 4

31.       Assembler program is:
(A) dependent on the operating system
(B) dependent on the compiler
(C) dependent on the hardware
(D) independent of the hardware
Answer: C
32.       In the indirect addressing scheme, the second part of an instruction contains:
(A) the operand in decimal form
(B) the address of the location where the value of the operand is stored
(C) the address of the location where the address of the operand is stored
(D) the operand in an encoded form
Answer: C
33.       At the end of parsing,
(A) tokens are identified.
(B) set of instructions are identified.
(C) the syntactic groups are identified.
(D) machine instructions are identified.
Answer: A
34.       Dead-code elimination in machine code optimization refers to:
(A) removal of all labels.
(B) removal of values that never get used.
(C) removal of function which are not involved.
(D) removal of a module after its use.
Answer: B
35.       A parse tree is an annotated parse tree if:
(A) it shows attribute values at each node.
(B) there are no inherited attributes.
(C) it has synthesized nodes as terminal nodes.
(D) every non-terminal nodes is an inherited attribute.
Answer: A

36.       An example of a non-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithm is:
(A) Shortest job first scheduling.     
(B) Round robin scheduling.
(C) Priority scheduling.                     
(D) Fair share scheduling.
Answer: A
37.       There are ‘n’ processes in memory. A process spends a fraction ‘p’ of its time waiting for I/O to complete. The CPU utilization is given by:
(A) pn
(B) 1-pn 
(C) (1-p)n
(D) 1-np
Answer: B
38.       An example of a memory management system call in UNIX is:
(A) fork.
(B) mmap.
(C) sigaction.
Answer: B
39.       With 64 bit virtual addresses, a 4KB page and 256 MB of RAM, an inverted page table requires:
(A) 8192 entries.
(B) 16384 entries.
(C) 32768 entries.
(D) 65536 entries.
Answer: D
40.    A computer has 6 tape drives with ‘n’ processes competing for them. Each process may need two drives. For which values of ‘n’ is the system deadlock free ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 6
Answer: C

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