Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions - Set 3

1.       ................ do not base their routing decisions on measurements or estimates of the current traffic and topology.
(A) Non adaptive algorithms
(B) Adaptive algorithms
(C) Static algorithms
(D) Recursive algorithms
Answer: A
2.       The method of network routing where every possible path between transmitting and receiving DTE is used is called ...............
(A) Random Routing              (B) Packet Flooding
(C) Directory Routing              (D) Message Switching
Answer: B
3.       In Hierarchical routing, the routers are divided into what is called as .................
(A) zones          (B) Cells
(C) Regions      (D) None of these
Answer: C
4.       The regions in Hierarchical routing are grouped in to .................
(A) Clusters      (B) Zones
(C) Blocks         (D) Cells
Answer: A
5.       The Clusters in Hierarchical routing are grouped in to ..................
(A) Clusters      (B) Zones
(C) Blocks         (D) Cells
Answer: B

6.       If a router sends every incoming packet out only on those lines that are going approximately in the right direction is known as .................
(A) Random flooding              (B) Static flooding
(C) Selective flooding             (D) Early flooding
Answer: C
7.       In shortest path routing algorithm, the path length is measured based on .................
(A) time delay               (B) number of hops
(C) size of the routers (D) routing table
Answer: B
8.       Flooding always choose the ....................
(A) Shortest path         (B) First path
(C) Last path                 (D) Largest path
Answer: A
9.       In military applications where large number of routers may be blown to bits at any instant, we use ...................
(A) Shortest path first  (B) First come first serve
(C) Forwarding             (D) Flooding
Answer: D
10.    In distributed applications, it is sometimes necessary to update all the databases concurrently, we use .......................
(A) Shortest path first
(B) First come first serve
(C) Forwarding
(D) Flooding
Answer: D

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