Data Structures and Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions - Set 23

221.       The process of accessing data stored in a serial access memory is similar to manipulating data on a ...............
(A) heap
(B) queue
(C) stack
(D) binary tree
Answer: C
222.       Recursion uses more memory space than iteration because ...............
(A) it uses stack instead of queue.
(B) every recursive call has to be stored.
(C) both A & B are true.
(D) None of the above.
Answer: B
223.       Stack is used for .................
(A) CPU Resource Allocation
(B) Breadth First Traversal
(C) Recursion
(D) None of the above
Answer: C
224.       A graph with n vertices will definitely have a parallel edge or self loop if the total number of edges are ...................
(A) greater than n–1
(B) less than n(n–1)
(C) greater than n(n–1)/2
(D) less than n2/2
Answer: A
225.       Re-balancing of AVL tree costs ..............
(A) Ο(1)
(B) Ο(log n)
(C) Ο(n)
(D) Ο(n2)
Answer: B
226.       Given that the line
delete newPtr;
just executed, what can you conclude?
(A) The memory referenced by newPtr is released only if it is needed by the system.
(B) The pointer newPtr is of type void *.
(C) The pointer newPtr only exists if there was an error freeing the memory.
(D) The pointer newPtr still exists.
Answer: D
227.       A BST is traversed in the following order recursively: Right, root, left
The output sequence will be in
(A) Ascending order
(B) Descending order
(C) Bitomic sequence
(D) No specific order
Answer: B
228.       Quick sort running time depends on the selection of ..................
(A) size of array
(B) pivot element
(C) sequence of values
(D) none of the above
Answer: B
229.       The pre-order and post order traversal of a Binary Tree generates the same output. The tree can have maximum ..............
(A) Three nodes
(B) Two nodes
(C) One node
(D) Any number of nodes
Answer: C
230.    The postfix form of A*B+C/D is”
(A) *AB/CD+
(B) AB*CD/+
(C) A*BC+/D
(D) ABCD+/*
Answer: B

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