CBSE UGC NET Computer Science Paper III Solved December 2015 - Part 6

51.       Blind image deconvolution is ................
(A) Combination of blur identification and image restoration
(B) Combination of segmentation and classification
(C) Combination of blur and non-blur image
(D) None of the above
Answer: A
52.       A basic feasible solution of a linear programming problem is said to be ............... if at least one of the basic variable is zero.
(A) degenerate             (B) non-degenerate
(C) infeasible               (D) unbounded
Answer: A
53.       Consider the following conditions :
(a) The solution must be feasible, i.e. it must satisfy all the supply and demand constraints.
(b) The number of positive allocations must be equal to m+n-1, where m is the number
of rows and n is the number of columns.
(c) All the positive allocations must be in independent positions.
The initial solution of a transportation problem is said to be non-degenerate basic feasible solution if it satisfies :
Codes :
(A) (a) and (b) only      (B) (a) and (c) only
(C) (b) and (c) only      (D) (a), (b) and (c)
Answer: D
54.       Consider the following transportation problem :
The transportation cost in the initial basic feasible solution of the above transportation problem using Vogel’s Approximation method is :
(A) 1450            (B) 1465
(C) 1480            (D) 1520
Answer: B
55.       The character set used in Windows 2000 operating system is ...............
(A) 8 bit ASCII              (B) Extended ASCII
(C) 16 bit UNICODE    (D) 12 bit UNICODE
Answer: C

56.       In Unix, the command to enable execution permission for file “mylife” by all is ................
(A) Chmod ugo+X myfile       (B) Chmod a+X myfile
(C) Chmod +X myfile              (D) All of the above
Answer: D
57.       What will be the output of the following Unix command ?
$rm chap0\[1 - 3\]
(A) Remove file chap0[1 - 3]
(B) Remove file chap01, chap02, chap03
(C) Remove file chap\[1 - 3\]
(D) None of the above
Answer: A
58.       Which of the following statements regarding the features of the object-oriented approach to databases are true ?
(a) The ability to develop more realistic models of the real world.
(b) The ability to represent the world in a non-geometric way.
(c) The ability to develop databases using natural language approaches.
(d) The need to split objects into their component parts.
(e) The ability to develop database models based on location rather than state and behaviour.
Codes :
(A) (a), (b) and (c)        (B) (b), (c) and (d)
(C) (a), (d) and (e)        (D) (c), (d) and (e)
Answer: A
59.       Consider the following database table :
Create table test(
one integer,
two integer,
primary key(one),
check(one≥1 and ≤10),
check(two≥1 and ≤5) );
How many data records/tuples atmost can this table contain ?
(A) 5       (B) 10
(C) 15     (D) 50
Answer: A
60.    Suppose ORACLE relation R(A, B) currently has tuples {(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4)} and relation S(B, C) currently has {(2, 5), (4, 6), (7, 8)}. Consider the following two SQL queries SQ1 and SQ2 :
SQ1 : Select *
From R Full Join S
On R.B=S.B;
SQ2 : Select *
From R Inner Join S
On R.B=S.B;
The numbers of tuples in the result of the SQL query SQ1 and the SQL query SQ2 are given by :
(A) 2 and 6 respectively          (B) 6 and 2 respectively
(C) 2 and 4 respectively         (D) 4 and 2 respectively
Answer: D

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