31. An
all-pairs shortest-paths problem is efficiently solved using:
(A) Dijkstra' algorithm (B) Bellman-Ford algorithm
(C) Kruskal Algorithm (D) Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Answer: D
32. The
travelling salesman problem can be solved in:
(A) Polynomial time using dynamic programming
(B) Polynomial time using branch-and-bound
(C) Exponential time using dynamic
programming algorithm or branch-and-bound algorithm.
(D) Polynomial time using backtracking
Answer: C
33. Which
of the following is asymptotically smaller?
(A) lg(lg*n) (B)
lg*(lg n)
(C) lg(n!) (D)
Answer: A
34. Consider
a hash table of size m=100 and the hash function h(k) = floor(m(kA mod 1)) for
A = (√5 − 1)/2 = 0.618033. Compute the location to which the key k = 123456 is
placed in hash table.
(A) 77 (B)
(C) 88 (D)
Answer: C
35. Let
f(n) and g(n) be asymptotically non-negative functions. Which of the following
is correct?
(A) θ(f(n) * g(n)) = min(f(n), g(n))
(B) θ(f(n) * g(n)) = max(f(n), g(n))
(C) θ(f(n) + g(n)) = min(f(n), g(n))
(D) θ(f(n) + g(n)) = max(f(n), g(n))
Answer: D
36. The
number of nodes of height h in any n - element heap is ..............
(A) h (B)
(C) ceil(n/zh) (D) ceil(n/zh+1)
Answer: D
37. In
Java, when we implement an interface method, it must be declared as:
(A) Private (B)
(C) Public (D)
Answer: C
38. The
Servlet Response interface enables a servlet to formulate a response for a
client using the method ...............
(A) void log(Exception e, String s)
(B) void destroy()
(C) int getServerPort()
(D) void setContextType(String Type)
Answer: D
39. Which
one of the following is correct?
(A) Java applets cannot be written in any programming
(B) An applet is not a small program.
(C) An applet can be run on its own.
(D) Applets are embedded in another
Answer: D
40. In
XML we can specify the frequency of an element by using the symbols:
(A) + * ! (B)
# * !
(C) + * ? (D)
- * ?
Answer: C