11. B+ tree are
preferred to binary tree in Database because
(A) Disk capacity are greater than memory capacities
(B) Disk access is much slower than memory access
(C) Disk data transfer rates are much less than memory data transfer
(D) Disks are more reliable than memory
Answer: B
12. A Transaction
Manager is which of the following ?
(A) Maintains a log of transactions
(B) Maintains before and after database images
(C) Maintains appropriate concurrency control
(D) All of the above
Answer: D
13. Leaves of
which of the following trees are at the same level ?
(A) Binary tree (B)
(C) AVL-tree (D)
Expression tree
Answer: B
14. Which of the
following TCP/IP Internet protocol is diskless machine uses to obtain its IP
address from a server ?
(C) ARP (D) X.25
Answer: C
15. Decryption and
encryption of data are the responsibility of which of the following layer ?
(A) Physical layer (B) Data Link layer
(C) Presentation layer (D) Session layer
Answer: C
16. In which
circuit switching, delivery of data is delayed because data must be stored and
retrieved from RAM ?
(A) Space division (B) Time
(C) Virtual (D)
Answer: B
17. In which
Routing Method do all the routers have a common database?
(A) Distance vector (B)
Link state
(C) Link vector (D)
Dijkestra method
Answer: B
18. Page Shift
Keying (PSK) Method is used to modulate digital signal at 9600 bps using 16
level. Find the line signals and speed (i.e. modulation rate).
(A) 2400 bauds (B)
1200 bauds
(C) 4800 bauds (D)
9600 bauds
Answer: A
19. The station to
hub distance in which it is 2000 metres.
(A) 100 Base-Tx (B) 100
(C) 100 Base-T4 (D) 100
Answer: B
20. Main aim of
software engineering is to produce
(A) program
(B) software
(C) within budget
(D) software within budget in the given schedule
Answer: D