NTA UGC NET Computer Science Paper II December 2018 - Part 3

41.       If the frame buffer has 10-bits per pixel and 8-bits are allocated for each of the R,G, and B components, then what would be the size of the color lookup table (LUT)?
(1) (28+29) bytes
(2) (210+28) bytes
(3) (210+224) bytes
(4) (210+211) bytes
Answer: 4
42.       Which homogeneous 2D matrix transforms the figure (a) on the left side to the figure (b) on the right?
Answer: 2
43.       Consider the midpoint (or Bresenham) algorithm for rasterizing lines given below:
(1) Input (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
(2) y = y1
(3) d = f(x1 + 1, y1 + 1/2) //f is the implicit form of a line
(4) for x = x1 to x2
(5) do
(6)           plot(x,y)
(7)           if (d<0)
(8)           then
(9)                       y = y+1
(10)                     d = d+(y1−y2) + (x2−x1)
(11)         else
(12)                     d = d+(y1−y2)
(13)         end
(14) end
Which statements are true?
P:            For a line with slope m>1, we should change the outer loop in line (4) to be over y
Q:            Lines (10) and (12) update the decision variable d through an incremental evaluation of the line equation f
R:            The algorithm fails if d is over 0
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:
(1) P only
(2) P and Q only
(3) Q and R only
(4) P, Q and R
Answer: 2
44.       In 3D Graphics, which of the following statements about perspective and parallel projection is/are true?
P:            In a perspective projection, the farthest an object is from the centre of projection, the smaller it appears.
Q:            Parallel projection is equivalent to a perspective projection where the viewer is standing infinitely far away.
R:            Perspective projections do not preserve straight lines.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:
(1) P and Q only
(2) P and R only
(3) Q and R only
(4) P, Q and R
Answer: 1
45.       In 3D Graphics, which of the following statements is/are true?
P:            Back-face culling is an example of an image-precision visible-surface determination procedure.
Q:            Z- buffer is a 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64 bit field associated with each pixel in a frame buffer that can be used to determine the visible surfaces at each pixel.
Choose the correct answer from code given below:
(1) P only
(2) Q only
(3) P and Q
(4) Neither P nor Q
Answer: 2
46.       Consider the following pseudo-code fragment, where m is a non-negative integer that has been initialized:
p = 0
k = 0
while (k<m)
p = p + 2k
k = k + 1
end while
Which of the following is a loop invariant for the while statement?
(Note: a loop invariant for a while statement is an assertion that is true each time the guard is evaluated during the execution of the while statement).
(1) p = 2k − 1 and 0≤k<m
(2) p = 2k+1 − 1 and 0≤k<m
(3) p = 2k − 1 and 0≤k≤m
(4) p = 2k+1 − 1 and 0≤k≤m
Answer: 3
47.       Consider the following two C++ programs P1 and P2 and two statements S1 and S2 about these programs:
S1:          P1 prints out 3.
S2:          P2 prints out 4:2
What can you say about the statements S1 and S2?
(1) Only S1 is true
(2) Only S2 is true
(3) Both S1 and S2 are true
(4) Neither S1 nor S2 is true
Answer: 1
48.       Consider the following recursive Java function f that takes two long arguments and returns a float value:

public static float f(long m, long n)
    float result = (float) m / (float) n;
    if (m < 0 || n < 0)
        return 0.0f;
        result += f(m*2, n*3);
    return result;
Which of the following integers best approximates the value of f(2,3)?
(1) 0
(2) 1
(3) 2
(4) 3
Answer: 3
49.       What does the following Java function perform? (Assume int occupies four bytes of storage)
public static int f(int a)
{   // Pre-conditions : a > 0 and no overflow/underflow occurs
    int b=0;
    for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
        b = b<<1;
        b = b | (a & 1);
        a = a >>>1; // This is a logical shift
    return b;
(1) Returns the int that has the binary representation of integer a
(2) Return the int that has the reversed binary representation of integer a
(3) Return the int that represents the number of 1’s in the binary representation of integer a
(4) Return the int that represents the number of 0’s in the binary representation of integer a
Answer: 2
50.    Which of the following HTML5 codes will affect the horizontal as well as vertical alignment of table content?
(1) <td halign =”middle” valign=”center”> BASH</td>
(2) <td align =”middle” valign=”center”> BASH</td>
(3) <td style=”horizontal-align:center; vertical-align:middle;”> BASH</td>
(4) <td style=”text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;”> BASH</td>
Answer: 4
51.    Consider the C/C++ function f() given below:

void f(char w[])
    int x=strlen(w); //length of a string
    char c;
    for (int i=0; i<x; i++)
        w[x-i-1] =c;
Which of the following is the purpose of f()?
(1) It outputs the contents of the array in reverse order
(2) It outputs the contents of the array in the original order
(3) It outputs the contents of the array with the characters shifted over by one position
(4) It outputs the contents of the array with the characters rearranged so they are no longer recognized as the words in the original phrase
Answer: 2
52.    The Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is said to be ................ if and only if no subset of individual requirements described in it conflict with each other.
(1) Correct
(2) Consistent
(3) Unambiguous
(4) Verifiable
Answer: 2
53.    Software products need perfective maintenance for which of the following reasons?
(1) To rectify bugs observed while the system is in use
(2) When the customers need the product to run on new platforms
(3) To support new features that users want it to support
(4) To overcome wear and tear caused by the repeated use of the software
Answer: 3
54.    Match each UML diagram in List I to its appropriate description in List II
List  I                              List  II
(a) State Diagram        (i) Describes how the external entities
(people, devices) can interact with
the system
(b) Use-Case Diagram(ii) Used to describe the static or
structural view of a system
(c) Class Diagram        (iii) Used to show the flow of a business
process, the steps of a use-case or
the logic of an object behaviour
(d) Activity Diagram     (iv) Used to describe the dynamic behaviour
of objects and could also be used to describe
the entire system behaviour
(1) (a)-(i); (b)-(iv); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)
(2) (a)-(iv); (b)-(ii); (c)-(i); (d)-(iii)
(3) (a)-(i); (b)-(iv); (c)-(iii); (d)-(ii)
(4) (a)-(iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii)
Answer: 4
55.    Which of the following statements is/are false?
P:            The clean-room strategy to software engineering is based on the incremental software process model.
Q:            The clean-room strategy to software engineering is one of the ways to overcome “unconscious” copying of copyrighted code.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:
(1) P only
(2) Q only
(3) Both P and Q
(4) Neither P nor Q
Answer: 4
56.    Consider the following method:
int f(int m, int n, boolean x, boolean y)
    int res = 0;
    if (m<0) {res = n - m;}
    else if (x || y)
        res = -1;
        if(n == m){res = 1;}
    else {res = n;}
    return res;
} /*end of f */
IF P is the minimum number of tests to achieve full statement coverage for f(), and Q is the number of tests to achieve full branch coverage for f(), then (P,Q) =
(1) (3,4)
(2) (4,3)
(3) (2,3)
(4) (3,2)
Answer: 1
57.    A legacy software system has 940 modules. The latest release required that 90 of these modules be changed. In addition, 40 new modules were added and 12 old modules were removed. Compute the software maturity index for the system.
(1) 0.849
(2) 0.524
(3) 0.725
(4) 0.923
Answer: 1
58.    Which of the following statements is/are true?
P: Software Reengineering is preferable for software products having high failure rates, having poor design and/or having poor code structure.
Q: Software Reverse Engineering is the process of analyzing software with the objective of recovering its design and requirement specification.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:
(1) P only
(2) Q only
(3) Both P and Q
(4) Neither P nor Q
Answer: 3
59.    Which of the following is not one of the principles of agile software development method?
(1) Customer involvement
(2) Embrace change
(3) Incremental delivery
(4) Following the plan
Answer: 4
60.    Software coupling involves dependencies among pieces of software called modules. Which of the following are correct statements with respect to module coupling?
P:            Common coupling occurs when two modules share the same global data.
Q:            Control coupling occurs when modules share a composite data structure and use only parts of it.
R:            Content coupling occurs when one module modifies or relies on the internal working of another module.
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:
(1) P and Q only
(2) P and R only
(3) Q and R only
(4) All of P, Q and R
Answer: 2

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