1. Infrared
signals can be used for short range communication in a closed area using ...................
(A) ground (B)
(C) line of sight (D) space
Answer: C
2. A
bridge has access to ............... address in the same network.
(A) Physical (B)
(C) Datalink (D)
Answer: A
3. The
minimum frame length for 10 Mbps Ethernet is ............. bytes and maximum is
................ bytes.
(A) 64 & 128 (B) 128 & 1518
(C) 1518 & 3036 (D) 64 & 1518
Answer: D
4. The
bit rate of a signal is 3000 bps. If each signal unit carries 6 bits, the baud
rate of the signal is ...............
(A) 500 baud/sec (B) 1000 baud/sec
(C) 3000 baud/sec (D) 18000 baud/sec
Answer: A
5. Match
the following:
List – I List
- II
a. Physical Layer i. Allow resources to network access
b. Datalink Layer ii. Move packets from one destination to other
c. Network Layer iii. Process to process message delivery
d. Transport Layer iv. Transmission of bit stream
e. Application Layer v. Formation of frames
b c d e
(A) iv v ii iii i
(B) v iv i ii iii
(C) i iii ii
v iv
(D) i ii iv
iii v
Answer: A
6. A
grammar G is LL(1) if and only if the following conditions hold for two
distinct productions A → α | β
I. First (α) ∩ First (β) ≠ {a} where a is
some terminal symbol of the grammar.
II. First (α) ∩ First (β) ≠ λ
III. First (α) ∩ Follow(A) = φ if λ Ñ” First
(A) I and II (B)
I and III
(C) II and III (D) I, II and III
Answer: D
7. Which
of the following suffices to convert an arbitrary CFG to an LL(1) grammar ?
(A) Removing left recursion alone.
(B) Removing the grammar alone
(C) Removing left recursion and factoring the
(D) None of the above
Answer: D
8. A
shift reduce parser suffers from
(A) shift reduce conflict only
(B) reduce reduce conflict only
(C) both shift reduce conflict and reduce
reduce conflict
(D) shift handle and reduce handle conflicts
Answer: C
9. The
context free grammar for language L = {anbmck
| k = |n - m|, n≥0,m≥0,k≥0} is
(A) S→S1S3, S1→aS1c
|S2|λ, S2→aS2b|λ, S3→aS3b|S4|
λ, S4→bS4c|λ
(B) S→S1S3, S1→aS1S2c
|λ, S2→aS2b|λ, S3→aS3b|S4|
λ, S4→bS4c|λ
(C) S→S1|S2, S1→aS1S2c|λ,
S2→aS2b|λ, S3→aS3b|S4|
λ, S4→bS4c|λ
(D) S→S1|S3, S1→aS1c
|S2|λ, S2→aS2b|λ, S3→aS3b|S4|
λ, S4→bS4c|λ
Answer: D
10. The
regular grammar for the language L = {w |na(w) and nb(w)
are both even, wÑ”{a, b}*} is given by :
(Assume, p, q, r and s are states)
(A) p→aq |br|λ, q→bs|ap
r→as|bp, s→ar|bq,
p and s are initial and final states.
(B) p→aq|br, q→bs|ap
r→as|bp, s→ar|bq,
p and s are initial and final states
(C) p→aq|br|λ, q→bs|ap
r→as|bp, s→ar|bq,
p is both initial and final states
(D) p→aq|br, q→bs|ap
r→as|bp, s→ar|bq,
p is both initial and final states.
Answer: C