Match the following Secret Key Algorithms (List
I) with Corresponding Key Lengths (List II) and choose the correct answer from
the code given below:
List I List
(a) Blowfish (i) 128 – 256 bits
(b) DES (ii) 128 bits
(c) IDEA (iii) 1 - 448 bits
(d) RC5 (iv)
56 bits
(1) (a)–(iv),
(b)-(iii), (c)-(ii) , d-(i)
(2) (a)–(iii),
(b)-(iv), (c)-(i) , d-(ii)
(3) (a)–(iii),
(b)-(iv), (c)-(ii) , d-(i)
(4) (a)–(ii),
(b)-(iii), (c)-(iv) , d-(i)
Answer: 3
62. The
four byte IP address consists of
(1) Network
(2) Host
(3) Both
Network and Host Addresses
(4) Neither
Network nor Host Addresses
Answer: 3
63. Consider
ISO-OSI network architecture reference model. Session layer of this model
offers dialog control, token management and .................. as services.
(1) Synchronization
(2) Asynchronization
(3) Flow
(4) Errors
Answer: 1
64. Suppose
a cloud contains software stack such as Operating systems, Application
softwares, etc. This model is referred as ............ model.
(1) SaaS
(2) PaaS
(3) IaaS
(4) MaaS
Answer: 1
65. The
Third Generation mobile phones are digital and based on
(1) AMPS
(2) D-AMPS
(3) CDMA
(4) Broadband
Answer: 4
66. Which
of the following statement/s is/are true?
(i) Firewalls
can screen traffic going into or out of an organization.
(ii) Virtual
private networks can stimulate an old leased network to provide certain
desirable properties.
Choose the
correct answer from the code given below:
(1) (i) only
(2) (ii)
(3) Both (i)
and (ii)
(4) Neither
(i) nor (ii)
Answer: 3
67. Which
of the following statements/s is/are true?
(i) Windows
XP supports both peer-peer and client-server networks.
(ii) Windows
XP implements Transport protocols as drivers that can be loaded and unloaded
from the system dynamically
Choose the
correct answer from the code given below:
(1) (i) only
(2) (ii)
(3) Neither
(i) nor (ii)
(4) Both (i)
and (ii)
Answer: 4
68. In
Linux operating system environment ............... command is used to print a
(1) print
(2) ptr
(3) pr
(4) lpr
Answer: 4
69. To
overcome difficulties in Readers-Writers problem, which of the following
statement/s is/are true?
(i) Writers
are given exclusive access to shared objects
(ii) Readers
are given exclusive access to shared objects
(iii) Both
Readers and Writers are given exclusive access to shared objects
Choose the
correct answer from the code given below:
(1) (i) only
(2) (ii)
(3) (iii)
(4) Both
(ii) and (iii)
Answer: 1
70. Suppose
a system has 12 instances of some resource with n processes competing for that
resource. Each process may require 4 instances of the resource. The maximum
value of n for which the system never enters into deadlock is
(1) 3
(2) 4
(3) 5
(4) 6
Answer: 1
71. Dirty
bit is used to show the
(1) wrong
(2) page
with corrupted data
(3) page
with low frequency occurrence
(4) page
that is modified after being loaded into cache memory
Answer: 4
72. Suppose
for a process P, reference to pages in order are 1,2,4,5,2,1,2,4. Assume that
main memory can accommodate 3 pages and the main memory has already 1 and 2 in
the order 1 – first, 2 – second. At this moment, assume FIFO Page Replacement
Algorithm is used then the number of page faults that occur to complete the
execution of process P is
(1) 4
(2) 3
(3) 5
(4) 6
Answer: 3
73. Consider
the following set of processes and the length of CPU burst time given in
Assume that
processes being scheduled with Round-Robin Scheduling Algorithm with time
quantum 4 ms. The the waiting time for P4 is .............. ms.
(1) 0
(2) 4
(3) 12
(4) 6
Answer: 3
74. Suppose
P, Q and R are co-operating processes satisfying Mutual Exclusion condition.
Then, if the process Q is executing in its critical section then
(1) Both ‘P’
and ‘R’ execute in critical section
(2) Neither
‘P’ nor ‘R’ executes in their critical section
(3) ‘P’
executes in critical section
(4) ‘R’
executes in critical section
Answer: 2
75. A
process residing in Main Memory and Ready and Waiting for execution, is kept on
(1) Execution
(2) Job
(3) Ready
(4) Wait
Answer: 3
76. ..............
system call creates new process in Unix.
(1) create
(2) create
(3) fork
(4) fork new
Answer: 3
77. An
attribute A of datatype varchar(20) has the value ‘xyz’, and the attribute B of
datatype char(20) has the value “lmnop”, then the attribute A has ...............
spaces and attribute B has ............... spaces.
(1) 3,5
(2) 20,20
(3) 3,20
(4) 20,5
Answer: 3
78. Data
warehouse contains ............... data that is never found in operational
(1) Summary
(2) Encoded
(3) Encrypted
(4) Scripted
Answer: 1
79. ..................
command is used to remove a relation from SQL database.
(1) Drop
(2) Delete
(3) Remove
(4) Update
Answer: 1
80. Which
of the following statement/s is/are true?
(i) Facebook
has the world’s largest Hadoop Cluster.
(ii) Hadoop
2.0 allows live stream processing of Real time data.
Choose the
correct answer from the code given below:
(1) (i) only
(2) (ii)
(3) Both (i)
and (ii)
(4) Neither
(i) nor (ii)
Answer: 3